Nikita Rochiramani
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Project Karmaa - Mobile App
An innovative mentorship app designed to empower middle-aged Indian homemakers, providing them with the necessary tools and resources to achieve financial independence and cultivate a professional identity.

Duration: Spring 2023, Fall 2023
My Role
Product Design | UX Research | Paper Prototyping | Wireframing | UI Design | Presentation Design | Rapid Validation
Figma | Miro | Adobe Illustrator
High Fidelity Prototype | Research Synthesis | Rapid Validation Experiment - Assumptions and Result | Thesis Book
Long Story Short...
Project Goal:

The primary objective of this project was to conduct comprehensive primary and secondary research to discern the pressing needs of middle-aged Indian homemakers. By gaining a profound understanding of the existing limitations and challenges faced by this demographic, the project seeks to develop a strategic solution specifically aimed at identifying and bridging the capability gaps, ultimately empowering these individuals to achieve financial independence and professional recognition.

Middle-aged Indian homemakers often encounter significant obstacles when attempting to re-enter the workforce or pursue entrepreneurial ventures. These challenges stem from limited access to relevant skills, a lack of support networks, and a prevalent sense of self-doubt resulting from extended career breaks. Consequently, there exists a considerable gap in resources and opportunities for these individuals to explore self-employment options, leading to a loss of financial autonomy and professional recognition.

The Project Karmaa mobile app offers a comprehensive solution to bridge the capability gaps among Indian homemakers through mentorship as a medium. The app provides a user-friendly platform where individuals can connect with industry-specific mentors, and receive personalized guidance to support their entrepreneurial endeavors. By fostering a supportive community, the app aims to cultivate an environment where individuals can share experiences, exchange knowledge, and build a strong network of support.
Expected Outcome:

Our goal with Project Karmaa is to catalyze a significant shift in mindset among 32.4M women (10% of 324M), fostering a newfound sense of empowerment and drive for entrepreneurship. We measure this through surveys assessing individuals' readiness to embrace this transformative shift. Additionally, we aim to reduce capability gaps among 3.2M women (1% of 324M), discernible through specific skill and knowledge assessments crucial for entrepreneurial success. Furthermore, our efforts seek to encourage a 0.32% increase in the participation of women-owned enterprises within the demographic, gauged by the number of newly established enterprises following the mitigation of capability gaps.

The impact of these initiatives will be profound. By 2025, women's contributions to the global economy are expected to soar, adding a substantial $770 billion. Looking ahead, our efforts are projected to generate 170 million jobs by 2030, fueling inclusive growth and empowering communities. Furthermore, this surge in women's participation is predicted to drive an impressive 18% increase in the GDP, underscoring the transformative power of supporting and enabling women entrepreneurs.
The process of creating time entries exhibits multiple inconsistencies, and an overwhelming table view leading to a cumbersome workflow.
As a result, they choose to quit their careers and seek opportunities that offer them more flexibility.
By 2030, the working-age population of India will surpass 1B, and statistics indicate that 400M jobs will be needed for women alone.
Data from Research Reports
In my endeavor to comprehend the challenges faced by women in establishing and managing successful enterprises, I probed into the emotional and psychological barriers that often hinder their entrepreneurial pursuits. By conducting in-depth interviews and engaging in empathetic conversations, I uncovered the intricate web of emotional obstacles, ranging from self-doubt and imposter syndrome to the societal pressures and familial expectations that weigh heavily on their aspirations. Furthermore, my research shed light on practical challenges, including limited access to resources, financial constraints, and the need for tailored support systems, all of which contribute to the complex landscape of women's entrepreneurship in India.
  • Conducted 12 in-depth semi-structured interviews with diverse Indian women representing various demographic, cultural, and financial backgrounds.
  • Constructed an affinity map to effectively categorize and gain deeper insights into the identified challenges.
  • Employed root tree analysis to comprehensively understand the causal factors and subsequent effects, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the underlying issues.
  • Undertook a strategic SWOT analysis of competitors to refine our unique value proposition and gain insights into the competitive landscape.

Through the affinity mapping of notes gathered from the comprehensive interviews conducted with 12 participants, several key themes emerged, shedding light on the complex landscape of challenges and aspirations faced by our target demographic. During the affinity mapping process, employing the effective bucketing technique played a vital role in categorizing the identified themes into actionable items. This approach facilitated the clear identification of the specific problem areas we aimed to address, the strategic means by which we intended to achieve our objectives, the desired outcomes we sought to facilitate through our interventions, the inherent traits we intended to leverage in the process, the challenges we aimed to overcome, and ultimately, the overarching goal we aspired to achieve.

In the root tree analysis, I discerned that addressing the limitation of confining women's identity solely to that of a homemaker could serve as an impactful starting point for initiating a mindset shift. This effect was found to be intricately linked to the underlying causes, notably the prevalent lack of clarity in thought processes, a dearth of essential business acumen or knowledge, and the absence of a robust support network to facilitate this pivotal transition. By mapping out the intricate relationships and dependencies between different elements, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted nature of the issues, thus facilitating the development of targeted strategies and interventions to address them effectively.

Upon careful examination, it became apparent that none of the identified competitors were explicitly focusing on the identification and bridging of capability gaps, highlighting the unique value proposition of our proposed solution in the market. Despite this distinction, each of the competitors exhibited unique strengths in their respective offerings. One competitor emphasized providing a platform for marketing creative endeavors, while another centered on cultivating an exclusive network for women. Additionally, a different competitor specialized in providing low-investment, low-risk options tailored to address women's diverse needs.

66.6% (8/12) of interviewees
more receptive to other women being their teachers or guides as they take more inspiration from their journey than the destination.
66.6% (8/12) of interviewees
say their
career gap acts as the biggest barrier in restricting their awareness thus becoming a  strong reason for them to drop the idea of re-entering the workforce.
100% (12/12) of interviewees
mention that their skills in people management, budgeting and multi-tasking are
unrecognized strengths.
  • Encouragement and motivation to gauge their strengths and identify their passions that can be pursued at a lower investment cost
  • Receiving guidance in developing business acumen over skill acquisition  to promote employment generation
  • Awareness on resources at their disposal and how to use them to their advantage
Introducing, Project Karmaa —a transformative approach to empower middle-aged Indian homemakers, offering multilingual mentorship, AI-based mentor matching, and a network of like-minded individuals.
  • This innovative platform understands the diverse linguistic landscape of India, providing mentorship in multiple languages to ensure accessibility for homemakers from various backgrounds.
  • The AI-driven mentor matching system optimizes connections, aligning homemakers with mentors tailored to their specific aspirations and needs.
  • Beyond mentorship, Project Karmaa establishes a supportive community, fostering connections among homemakers who share experiences and collaboratively navigate the intricacies of their entrepreneurial journeys.
The name "Project Karmaa" suggests a holistic approach where the actions and efforts put into the project have a profound impact on the lives of the users, synchronous to the concept of cause and effect. It implies a sense of empowerment, personal agency, and the idea that positive actions, such as seeking mentorship and bridging capability gaps, can lead to positive outcomes and transformations in one's life.

The term "maa" in "Karmaa" not only brings a cultural resonance but also a personal touch. It adds a layer of connection to the Hindi word "maa," which means mother. This connection symbolizes the nurturing aspect of the project, acknowledging that many participants are mothers, and the initiative aims to support and nurture their aspirations, growth, and capabilities.

The learner onboarding experience is carefully crafted, encompassing three essential steps. First, you'll seamlessly sign up using your preferred method—whether it's through a phone number and OTP (a popular choice in India), email and OTP, or email and password. Once on board, you'll delve into personalization by adding key details such as your interests, preferred languages, previous experiences, and certifications. The next crucial step involves selecting your learner level. Are you a beginner, exploring various possibilities? An intermediate learner, passionate but seeking direction? Or perhaps an expert with a small business eager to scale new heights? The onboarding journey is not just about data entry; it's a thoughtful process tailored to ensure that the mentorship experience aligns perfectly with their unique goals and aspirations.

Navigating the home screen offers learners a spectrum of choices, providing flexibility and personalization. Whether they are eager to search for mentors, embark on the unique mentor matching feature, explore diverse fields, or finely filter individuals within their area of interest—it's all at their fingertips. Opting for the mentor matching feature involves a thoughtful process. If the learner has chosen multiple interests, we invite them to select a primary field for optimal matching precision. Following this, they articulate their mentorship goals and the skills they aspire to acquire. Our algorithm, infused with the essence of their preferences and proficient language, will diligently curate 3-4 mentors. From here they can dive deeper into mentor profiles, explore shared passions, and seamlessly schedule sessions.

When learners decide to opt for long-term mentorship on Project Karmaa, they enter into a realm of commitment and enriched learning. Guided by their chosen mentor, they are prompted to select either an annual or monthly plan that best suits their preferences. The commitment to long-term mentorship unlocks a suite of premium features designed to enhance the learning journey. These features include a progress tracker for personal development, badge rewards to celebrate milestones, recorded sessions for reflection, and the capability to seamlessly share files with the mentor.

Within the Project Karmaa ecosystem, learners find a dynamic community where connecting with peers is seamlessly woven into the fabric of their experience. Through follow requests, learners can extend their network, cultivating connections with individuals who share similar mentors or resonate with the same passions. The messaging feature serves as a conduit, enabling learners to initiate conversations with those they follow. This intentional design not only fosters networking but also adds an invaluable layer of support.

To assess the usability and intuitiveness of Project Karmaa’s high-fidelity designs, a virtual and unmoderated usability testing session was conducted with five users from India. The participants were asked to complete eight tasks, each covering a different aspect of the app, while their interactions were recorded. 
Usability testing evaluated the overall intuitiveness and  of the app by testing the onboarding screens, mentor matching flow, access to premium version of the app, community interaction, long-term mentorship, design responsiveness, and clear navigation.
In our pursuit of rapid validation for the Project Karmaa mentorship app, we strategically employed a Risky Assumptions Matrix, categorizing assumptions based on desirability, viability, and feasibility criteria. This structured approach allowed us to prioritize and focus on the most critical assumptions. We selected one pivotal assumption from each criterion to formulate the XYZ hypothesis, a core element of our validation strategy.
The overall learner retention chart is a comprehensive indicator of learners’ proactiveness throughout the mentorship program. It encompasses their engagement in sharing deliverables, following up for subsequent sessions, and actively tracking their progress. In the case of Participant 1, Kavita Mohandas, the chart illustrates an upward trend in retention as the mentorship progressed, indicating increased commitment and engagement toward the program’s conclusion. Conversely, Participant 2, Anita, demonstrated a decline in retention after the third session, ultimately resulting in a no-show. This divergence in retention patterns emphasizes the importance of tailored strategies to sustain engagement and address challenges unique to each learner.
  • Mimicking the mentor matching model, I successfully sourced a mentor from my network and facilitated a 30-minute call for Mehak.
  • With over 30 years of expertise in the field, the mentor enthusiastically volunteered to assist Mehak, providing valuable insights tailored to her interests and business aspirations in the edible oils sector.
The journey was an immersive exploration into the nuanced intersection of user experience, empathy-driven design, and technology. Through the process, I gained insights into the intricacies of onboarding, recognizing the importance of personalization in user engagement. Crafting the mentor matching feature unveiled the challenge and artistry of algorithmic design, where balancing multiple interests and goals required meticulous consideration.
The next steps for Project Karmaa are poised to propel its transformative impact and expand its reach. Continuing the pilot program to encompass more participants aligns with the commitment to providing tailored mentorship experiences. The innovative Kitty party outreach adds a social dimension, tapping into the vibrant networks of women who seek a community of like-minded individuals. This not only fosters mentorship opportunities but also nurtures a supportive ecosystem. Simultaneously, assembling a dedicated team of developers underscores the commitment to the platform's technical evolution. Strategically leveraging social media for marketing endeavors positions Project Karmaa on a broader stage, capturing the attention of potential users and mentors.