Nikita Rochiramani
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Hi there!
I’m Nikita Rochiramani, a designer based out of Philadelphia, PA. I’ve spent the last 6 years brainstorming ideas, making design decisions, patiently listening to stakeholders, and incorporating last-minute client requests while sipping coffee & hoping to recover crashed Illustrator files. I'm an accidental designer who has received the best of both, corporate and entrepreneurial experience, as a part of my design journey in the industry.

My entrepreneurial expedition began in 2015 when I co-founded Paper Towers, a small business that creates handmade gifts, to spread smiles through my designs. With the zeal to dive deeper into the field of visual design, I took up a corporate job and simultaneously managed Paper Towers part-time. Eventually, I realized that my core strength lies in problem-solving using design as a medium. I see every problem as an opportunity to create user-centric experiences that are visually appealing and functionally viable, and this motivated me to make UX design my mainstream career. When not working, I’m probably working out or reading a book or busy convincing the world that eggs are as vegetarian as milk.
UX Research Specialist - AJ Boggs
UX Design Intern @Cincom Systems and @Adobe Inc
Things I take pride in...
Award Vector
UX Design Slam Winner - PhillyCHI
PhillyCHI is a local UX community that organizes educational and networking events in Philadelphia
Award Vector
IHAF Gold Award - Corporate Communications
The In-House Agency Forum is the only organization providing tools in support of all functions within the in-house agency model.
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Article in the Daily Pioneer
The Daily Pioneer is the 2nd oldest English language daily newspaper in India.
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Article in Eenadu
Eenadu is the largest circulated Telugu-language daily newspaper of India
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Article in The New Indian Express
The New Indian Express is one of India's top 10 English-language daily newspapers
The Logo
nikita logo
The logo is my name using alphabets and short vowels from the three languages I know to read, write and speak. In order of priority, English is given the most prominence since that’s the language I’ve known best, followed by Hindi and Telugu.
ni phonetic
English alphabets "n" and "i"
ki phonetic
Hindi alphabet “k” with a short vowel for “i”
ta phonetic
English alphabet “t” with a Telugu short vowel for “a"